Friday, May 12, 2017

Unit 9 Reflection

In this unit, we learned about how different organisms were classified. The levels of classification are Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.


After learning about these levels, we learned about the 3 domains, which are Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and Protists. We then went further into identifying key Phyla and Classes in each Kingdom, especially those within the Eukaryote domain.

This unit was fairly different than previous units, specifically regarding the teaching style. This unit allowed us to learn about the general topic through the vodcasts that were assigned for homework, but in addition, the “What on Earth Evolved?” presentation allowed us to apply our knowledge and research specific examples that have or had a major impact on our life.

My presentation was about viruses, and its major effect on civilization. Without viruses none of us would be here. In my opinion, my presentation went fairly well. Although I was a little nervous, I was still able to convey the information and get through it. This year, we hadn’t done many presentations in this class, so I enjoyed switching it up a little bit and getting the opportunity to be taught by others and to teach others something new.

This unit was fairly tough for me, because of the many minute details. This unit entailed both memorization, but also a strong understanding of the concepts. The main reason why this unit was one of my favorites was because of how the presentations directly correlated with what we were learning at home through the vodcasts, making it much easier for the information to stick in my head.

Throughout this semester, I have been working on becoming more assertive and becoming more confident in the information. Although there weren’t very many group projects this unit to attest to being very assertive, I still believe that I have made immense growth.

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