Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pig Dissection Reflection

In this lab, we dissected a pig with the purpose of understanding its anatomy and physiology. The essential question to this unit was, “How is homeostasis demonstrated in each system?” This dissection showed us how in order for each system to function and be useful, they rely on homeostasis. This dissection was vital, as we were able to see each of the different organs and its placement, and thereby understand how each system depended on each other to maintain homeostasis, or balance in the body.

This lab was one of my favorites because it most directly applied the lessons we were learning in class. My favorite part of the dissection was dissecting the heart, because the circulatory system is one of the most interesting systems in the body. It is fairly complex and I was really only able to understand how the heart works by analyzing the pig’s heart, which is why I thought it was my favorite part.

This dissection was very valuable because I learned a lot. Not only did I learn about the various system I learned a lot about myself. I was able to apply my knowledge gained from this dissection to the human body. I started to understand how my entire body really just functions as a result of the blood going through the vena cava’s and then through the ventricle to pump to the lungs. Then the blood circulates back to the heart via the pulmonary vein in order to pump it back to the body to actually make the heart function. Before this dissection, I understood the intricacies of the rest of the systems except for the circulatory system, but after analyzing the heart by locating the vena cavas, the atriums, the ventricles, and the other aspects of the circulatory system, I was finally able to understand the circulatory which really gave me closure in this unit, which is why I considered this dissection a very valuable experience.

We made 2 videos: Day 1 and Day 2

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