Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year Goals

Throughout last semester, I saw myself wondering how 24 hours a day went by so quickly. I allotted 9 hours to school, 6 hours to sleep, and 3 hours to extracurricular activities per day. That would leave me with about 6 hours of homework and studying. Six hours is enough to review the day, finish my homework and any studying that would entail, and prepare for the next day. However that management of my time never truly came into action last semester due to not being able to manage my time as well as I could have, as I was struggling to sleep on time, I wasn’t focusing my full effort on the task that I was completing, be it studying for science or english or math, or even watching a vodcast. This semester I will be better at managing my time. I will put my full attention onto that vodcast that I will watch, or the textbook notes that I will complete. This would lead to me gaining a better understanding of the topic but also leaving me with ample time to finish the rest of the tasks at hand. This semester through managing my time better, I will make sure I am able to complete every task at hand without getting distracted and with my full attention, which would be measured by my improving school performance.
However, procrastination and being unable to manage time right come together. As a result of me not managing my time as well as I could have, it lead to me procrastinating on small things. However once you start to procrastinate, you end up getting caught in a never ending cycle until a solid break. This semester I will not procrastinate. The day I get assigned the vodcast is when I will finish it rather than leaving it off until the next day, the day before the class it’s due. And when we write our lab conclusions or unit reflections, I will work my hardest to finish it during class instead of leaving it until I get home, which leads to me struggling to turn in work that I know could have been better a minute before the 11:59 p.m. deadline. This semester will be the semester where I will not put off a single task until later. I will manage my time better, reducing my procrastination, which could also be measured by my improving school performance.

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