Thursday, March 9, 2017

Unit 7 Reflection

In this unit, we learned all about ecology and the main ideas of homeostasis and interdependence but also learned about the key levels of organization, ranging from the mere organism to its population, to its community, to its ecosystem, to its biome, and finally to its biosphere. Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. Biodiversity plays a major role in the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem, as more species with high genetic diversity are more resistant to change. In addition, large populations of tertiary and quaternary consumers are key because that allows for the energy to continue flowing through the food web. Also, large populations and diverse communities of producers and decomposers allow for a lot of energy to be produced, and for the extra energy to be recycled.
However although there are only really 3 main features of a healthy ecosystem, it is still very difficult to maintain as a result of the growing human population. What I learned this unit was that most of the problems in an ecosystem stem from human interference.
During this unit, we did a project where we researched a biodiversity hotspot, specifically the Indo-Burma rainforest. While doing this project, I was truly introduced to a ruined ecosystem. The Indo-Burma rainforest is in ruins and it has to do with mainly the habitat destruction as a result of their economic crisis. This project helped me apply the concepts and main themes I learned in this unit as well as practice being able to work together, which entailed meshing many different personality types, to create a successful final project.
In addition, we watched videos such as “Story of Stuff” and the movie Bag it!
I used to not be as environmentally friendly as I would frequently use plastic in almost all aspects of my life and I would dispose of it quite frequently. However through this unit and after watching these videos, I became very aware of the current state of this environment and how I could do my part in conserving the environment through the many videos and projects that we watched.
These videos shed light on the fact that we are killing the environment, which in turn will hurt us. We are consuming way more than what we need to consume. We are consuming everything and anything like the universe has unlimited resources, however it will soon reach their limits.

We have a choice. We are the reason the environment is the way it is. We are the reason as to why the environment is the way it is. However, collectively we are the solution. We can choose to use more reusable products. We can choose to only buy the stuff we will truly use. We can choose to spread awareness throughout our community and to the communities near us about conserving the environment. In order for the generations that come after us to be able to live in a livable Earth, major changes needs to be made.

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